We’ve got another weekend winner as our we take a look at our third £500 recipient as part of our Gold Line Draw week – Mrs Dutton.
Our third winner doesn’t actually attend Salford Red Devils matches but shows her support for the Club by entering the weekly draw.
Mrs Dutton said: “It came as a massive surprise when I got the knock on the door and was presented with £500.
“We’ve never been to a Rugby League match, but we are part of the draw as it helps the Club and allows them to give children opportunities in sport.”
Mrs Dutton joined the draw when one of our Salford Red Devils canvassers knocked on his door and the Club are currently looking for more canvassers to spread the Gold Line Draw and Salford Red Devils further across the community.
If you’d like to become a canvasser for the Red Devils Please E-Mail Colin at salfordweeklydraw@gmail.com with your contact details. Training for the roles is provided.
And, remember to join the draw…
You can join the Gold Line Draw by simply E-Mailing SalfordSuperDraw@gmail.com with the subject ‘join’.
We have recently launched our new ‘Supporters Pack’ for the Gold Line Draw with full details here.
To sign up for the Gold Line Draw via Direct Debit click here.
To sign up for the Gold Line Draw via Standing Order click here.
You can also subscribe to the results directly to your inbox each week by E-Mailing SalfordSuperDraw@gmail.com with the subject ‘subscribe’.