Salford Red Devils Unveil New Club Crest

Today Salford Red Devils unveil their new Club Crest.
Today, not just the badge on the shirt changes but the whole ethos of what this famous old club is about.
Steeped in tradition and revered in history, the Red Devils has become one of the most talked about teams in the game and going forward from today the Club will embrace the ethic and attitude of this magnificent city of Salford.
Our new crest is the starting point. Born of many months’ intensive research and design, we went out to key stakeholders and asked what the Club and indeed their home city meant to them.
The answers were wide-ranging but always interweaving a thread between them was the pride in heritage – not just of Salford Red Devils, but the City of Salford itself.
Time and again, the same symbols and defining factors were brought up in the feedback –  The Willows, Salford Quays, the down-to-earth work ethic of those who live here. It seemed everybody we spoke to felt the same way. It became clearer than ever before that this could not just be about simply changing a logo.
In a way, given the depth of the research, ultimately the new crest would almost create itself and we are proud that, going forward, this historic Club will once again carry the name of Salford wherever we may play.
We are proud too that our city’s heritage and ethics will be worn with pride by our players – wherever they may come from in the world and we will make sure they know the significance of every aspect of playing for Salford Red Devils.
In recent months the symbol of the worker bee has been brought sharply into focus in our region for tragic reasons. The bees have formed a part of both Salford and Manchester heritage appearing on crests and coats of arms for many years but have risen to great prominence in 2017.
We are delighted that they will now form a key component of the new identify of Salford Red Devils. They signify that only with hard-work, togetherness and relentless endeavour we will achieve our aims.
Other focal points of our city also take pride of place – symbols signifying the city’s standing in the industrial revolution, its ability to produce stunning landmarks and of course the willow trees the city were founded around, will all stand out on the new crest.
We are Salford Red Devils and we are more than 13 players playing a game. We are a community entrenched in history. We are proud and we will continue to entertain and delight the generations that follow.
We cannot wait for the 2018 season to begin when we will take Salford into battle once again. We know you will be there by our side.
Find out what everything means in the new crest HERE
